Education Week is an award-winning independent news organization that has covered K-12 education since 1981. It is known for providing both news and analysis, along with explanatory and investigative journalism across a range of digital, print, and broadcast platforms as well as through live and virtual events. It is owned by Editorial Projects in Education (EPE), a nonprofit organization, whose mission is to raise awareness and understanding of critical issues facing American schools. It is headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland in Greater Washington DC.
The newspaper publishes 37 issues a year, including three special annual reports (Quality Counts, Technology Counts, and Leaders to Learn From). Other in-depth coverage includes regular, deep-dive topical reports on subjects like personalized learning, teacher recruitment, and assessment.
Video Education Week
In 1957, Corbin Gwaltney, founder and then editor of Johns Hopkins Magazine for alumni of Johns Hopkins University, and a group of other university alumni magazine editors came together to discuss writing on higher education and decided to form Editorial Projects for Education (EPE), a nonprofit educational organization. Soon after, Gwaltney left Johns Hopkins Magazine to become the first full-time employee of the newly created EPE, starting in an office in his apartment in Baltimore and later moving to an office near the Johns Hopkins campus. He realized that higher education would benefit from a news publication. Gwaltney and other board members of EPE met to plan a new publication. In 1966, EPE published the first issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education.
In 1978, EPE sold Chronicle to its editors and shifted its attention. With the support of several philanthropies, and using the successful model of Chronicle, EPE went on to launch Education Week under the leadership of Ronald A. Wolk. The first issue of Education Week appeared on Sept. 7, 1981, and sought to provide Chronicle-like coverage of elementary and secondary education. In August of 1981, EPE officially changed the name to Editorial Projects in Education.
Education Week gained an online presence in 1996 with the website, which features breaking news, interactive digital features and a host of news and opinion blogs.
Maps Education Week
Education Week Teacher
Targeted at teacher-leaders, Education Week Teacher features news relevant to teachers, along with opinion blogs and webinars.
EdWeek Market Brief
EdWeek Market Brief provides actionable intelligence about the marketplace of K-12 education. Created for both providers of education products and services and school district leaders, Market Brief's original reporting, deep analysis and proprietary, data-driven research focuses on school district purchasing and the companies and products serving K-12 education.
The Education Week Research Center
The Education Week Research Center was founded in 1997 as the research-support team for the annual Quality Counts report.
The center conducts a range of original research each year for that report, as well as Diplomas Count (discontinued in 2016), Education Week,, and outside clients.
Annual reports
Quality Counts
In 1997, Education Week launched Quality Counts, an annual report that uses in-depth journalism and research to investigate important issues in education policy. The report also includes an annual report card on public education in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. From 1997 to 2010, Quality Counts was sponsored by the Pew Center on the States.
In addition to grading the states based on 3 categories: Chance for Success, the K-12 Achievement, and School Finance, each edition of the report has examined a topic of central concern to education policymakers and practitioners. Its themes have included: state efforts in early-childhood education; ensuring a highly qualified teacher for every classroom; school finance; and the role of state standards, assessments, and accountability in education.
Technology Counts
Technology Counts, launched in 1997 and released annually, focuses on top issues related to technology and schools. Previous reports have explored digital content or curriculum, e-learning, and the impact of technology on assessment, among other topics.
Diplomas Count
In 2006, EPE launched Diplomas Count, its annual report on high school graduation policies and rates. The report included graduation rates and patterns for the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The report included downloadable highlights reports on each state. Diplomas Count ended in 2016.
Leaders to Learn From
Starting in 2013 Education Week has honored innovative school district leaders through the Leaders to Learn From report. Featured leaders include superintendents, community engagement officers, nutrition services directors, curriculum specialists and directors of nursing.
Education Week Press
Education Week Press was launched in 2002 to publish books and e-books on behalf of Editorial Projects in Education. Authors include both staff writers and external contributors.
Education Week TopSchoolJobs
Education Week TopSchoolJobs is an employment resource for job-seekers and employers in the education field, including job postings for teachers and K-12 administrators. TopSchoolJobs also offers a directory of professional development resources.
Originally EPE's website primarily housed online versions of Education Week and Teacher Magazine print editions; it now provides daily breaking news and an array of other information resources, including such popular news blogs as Politics K-12, State EdWatch, Curriculum Matters, and an array of opinion blogs. It draws some 1.5 million visitors a month. Full access to the site requires a paid subscription, but readers can access a limited number of articles each month through free registration. is also home to free live chats and webinars on relevant educational topics.
Further reading
- Anderson, Nick, "Ronald Wolk, whose Education Week put national spotlight on schools, dies at 86", Washington Post, May 2, 2018.
- Baldwin, Joyce, "Chronicling Higher Education for Nearly Forty Years", Carnegie Results, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Winter, 2006 issue. Archived from the original on March 7, 2012.
- Baldwin, Patricia L., Covering the Campus : The History of The Chronicle of Higher Education, 1966-1993, Denton, Texas : University of North Texas Press, 1995. ISBN 0-929398-96-3
- Connell, Christopher; Yarrington, Roger, "Everything You Always Wanted to Know about: The Chronicle of Higher Education", Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, Vol. 15, No. 8 (Nov. - Dec., 1983), pp. 12-24, 27, journal published for the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching by Heldref Publications
External links
- Education Week Web site
- EPE website
- EPE Research Center
- Education Week's blogs: Politics K-12
- Education Week's blogs
- Education Week Teacher
- Education Week TopSchoolJobs
- [ Education Week Press]
Source of article : Wikipedia