Dysart High School (commonly DHS) is a coeducational public secondary school in El Mirage, Arizona, United States, serving students in grades 9-12.
Video Dysart High School
As of the end of the 2014-2015 school year, Dysart High School has had 1,657 students enrolled. The total faculty of the school is 108 (81 teachers, 15 teachers aides, 4 administrators, and 9 professional staff).
A school has a "site council", which consists of two school administrators, two non-certified employees, two teachers, two parents, one member of the community, and two students. The responsibilities of this council are to facilitate school improvement, student achievement, school safety, student discipline, and communication with the community.
Maps Dysart High School
The school has been designated by the Arizona Learns Achievement Profile as "Performing Plus".
Signature Programs include Automotive Technology, Drafting Technology, Financial Services, Information Technology, JROTC, and Nursing.
The school has a graduation rate of 97% and awards over $700,000 in scholarships annually. In addition the school received over $600,000 in a 21st Century Grant and nearly $100,000 in a Gear-up grant; this money is used to fund mentoring, tutoring, summer enrichment and parental involvement programs.
Programs offered
- Advanced Placement and Honors Programs
- Cambridge Program and is required by all 9th and 10th graders
- Human/ Social Service Careers Programs
- Comprehensive College Bound Programs
- Comprehensive Fine/ Performing Arts Programs
- School-to-career Programs/ Teacher Cadet
- Read180 Computer Labs
- Army JROTC
- Auto Shop
- Business/ Community College Partnerships with dual-enrollment
Extracurricular activities
- TV Media Productions (Daily Inferno)
- Key Club
- The school's Key Club received designation at the top school internationally dealing with partners in service, and was awarded the Diamond Level Distinguished Key Club Award for community service. It has been one of the top 4 key clubs internationally since 1990.
- Newspaper and yearbook
- The Dysart Premiere newspaper and the El Demonio yearbook both received a National Silver Award from the Columbia Press Association along with numerous state awards. The newspaper also received a National Scholastic Press Association Award.
- Unitown
- Army JROTC
- Dysart High School Demon Battalion is the highest ranked Army JROTC program in Arizona.
- Future Teachers of America
- Music
- Band
- Drama
- Choir
- Graphic Design (Yearbook)
- Interscholastic Athletics
- Baseball, Basketball - Boys, Basketball - Girls, Cross Country - Boys, Cross Country - Girls, Football, Golf - Boys, Golf - Girls, Soccer - Boys, Softball, Swimming - Boys, Swimming - Girls, Tennis - Boys, Tennis - Girls, Track - Boys, Track - Girls, Volleyball - Boys, Volleyball - Girls, Wrestling, and Spiritlines.
- Conference 4A, Skyline Division, Region II
- National Honor Society
- Criminal Justice Club
- Ambassador Club
- Student Government- where Daniel Kellis was President, Roger Abarca is senior class VP, and Tyler Kellis is VP for Sophomore
- Close-up
Community and Social Services
The school offers free and reduced price breakfast and lunch programs, counseling services, a social worker, health services, a school psychologist, job placement services, crisis intervention programs, gear-up program/title 1, peer mediation, peer tutors, and homeless student resources.
External links
- Official school website
- Band Website
Source of article : Wikipedia